Media Release

What’s in a name? For the Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek Mi’kmaw Place Names Project, a Lot

Student researchers Matt Meuse-Dallien, Kachina Sack, and Peter Christmas holding Mi’kmaw place names project poster.

For many people, names give a sense of belonging and community. Beginning fourteen years ago, the Ta'n Weji-sqalia'tiek Mi'kmaw Place Names Digital Atlas and Website Project has expanded into a unique resource with over 800 place names and has featured 30 research positions for Mi'kmaw youth and student researchers over that time.  The project marks another way of bringing to life the profound relationship Mi’kmaq have with the ancient landscape of Mi’kma’ki.  

“The naming of places in Mi'kma'ki was always very logical and descriptive, so our people would know where they were at all times,” recounts the late Elder Gregory Johnson in the short film ‘The Nature of Place Names’ which is featured on the homepage of the Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek website.

The project now has a new look and feel, making it easier for users to engage with this unique history and ancient landscape. With help from Membertou Geomatics, the web-based map includes new enhanced sound bites and video clips of Elders sharing their lived experiences on the land. Users can explore numerous Mi’kmaw place names, learn place-name etymology and engage with the rich language of the Mi’kmaq. The new logo design and colour scheme reflect the importance of history and the land, and artworks by Mi’kmaw artists Alan Sylliboy and Gerald Gloade, are featured throughout the site and Elder's videos.

“Our instructions were to build a high-end website that would deliver the data through audio, video and a mapping infrastructure, which was completed in 2015,” states the committees Mi’kmaw Co-chair and Project Director, Tim Bernard of Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre. With this new refresh, the project has expanded and covers more areas than ever before.  

Project Lead, Dr. Trudy Sable of Saint Mary’s University, began to supervise the project when she was approached by Mr. Bernard and Rob Ferguson of Parks Canada. Through community-based focus groups, interviews, surveys, and discussions with numerous experts, the project has been driven by the vision of the Mi’kmaw communities, and the expressed needs of numerous institutional representatives for an inclusive and scholarly resource. 

Student researchers join archaeologist and project mentor Roger Lewis, archaeologist Rob Ferguson, and Project Lead, Trudy Sable on canoe trip to explore the Sɨkɨpne'katik (Shubenacadie) River, a pre-contact, Mi’kmaw traditional travel route.

“I have been deeply privileged to work with the many Elders, Mi’kmaw scholars, leaders, and community members who have contributed their time and knowledge to making the Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek website and digital atlas happen,” says Dr. Sable. “Hearing the voices of Mi’kmaq who lived throughout Mi’kma’ki wakes me up to the deeply rooted and powerful reality of their relationship to this landscape.”

“I am grateful for their generosity in sharing their personal histories and knowledge, much of which has been invisible in the rendering of history,” recounts Dr. Sable. “The student researchers inspired me as they learned to research the place names and hear the Elders' stories and then carry this knowledge forward in the new roles they take on in their lives. I feel confident that the website will continue to expand and educate many people in new perspectives and ways of knowing the landscapes we all inhabit.”

A core component of the project has been to ensure the capacity building of Mi'kmaw youth. Since 2010, the project has offered numerous research positions for Mi'kmaw youth and student researchers to learn from Elders, and Mi’kmaw scholars and leaders. In these positions, the students have been trained in map interviewing and protocol, video editing, database set-up and entry, language training, and conducting archival research.  

“During my Atlantic Canadian Studies MA degree at Saint Mary’s University, I was hired to work as a research assistant for the Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek: Mi’kmaw Place Names Project. It was an experience I thoroughly enjoyed,” says Raymond Sewell, previously a student researcher for the project, now an assistant professor at Saint Mary’s.  

“Dr. Trudy Sable, Dr. Bernie Francis, and Roger Lewis taught me valuable research skills. I worked with other students on this project that I now count as friends, each of us working in different fields. We all shared a fulfilling work experience. We were able to meet and interview L’nu Elders, travel to various sites, have canoe excursions, and work with various organizations like the Nova Scotia Museum,” recounts Mr. Sewell. “I had a great time learning place-name etymology. I was responsible for entering different orthographies into the database, and that engagement with my language was an excellent experience. I am now an English professor, and I use the website in my class to teach students the importance of land and language.” 

Both the website and digital atlas have become integral to developing educational programming, enhancing Mi'kmaw tourism, and promoting cultural awareness about the Mi'kmaq.

“The Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek digital atlas and website is an essential resource for our work in archaeological and cultural landscape studies,” says Dr. Jonathon Fowler, archaeologist and professor in the Anthropology department at Saint Mary’s. “I use it regularly in my research and teaching, and, truth be told, it is so interesting I often explore it just for fun. It contains incredible insights and not a few surprises.” 

Since 2015, the Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre has taken on the responsibility of stewarding and caring for the data, which is safely stored at the Membertou Datacentre, and overseeing the transfer of the project from SMU to the Nation. With help from Membertou Geomatics, the web-based map has undergone a functionality refresh making it easier for users to explore the significant history of the Mi’kmaq and the unique landscape of Mi’kma’ki.  

“Our engagement within our Mi’kmaw communities in 2007-08 was extensive and at that time we were told, very clearly, to go deep and dig down and collect this vast but quickly disappearing knowledge from this generation of Elders that still carry the language and still hold the knowledge,” says Mr. Bernard. “We’re very fortunate to have built this relationship with SMU and Dr. Sable. They understood that the information and data needed to be protected and retained by the Nation, for the Nation.”  

Initiated in 2008 by the Mi'kmaq - Nova Scotia - Canada Tripartite Forum, Culture and Heritage Committee, the project grew to include numerous other partners and funders. There has been close to $1M invested to protect and share this data through the creation of the Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek website and digital atlas.  

To learn more about this ongoing project and explore the new look and feel of the map and site, visit Ta’n Weji-sqalia’tiek Mi’kmaw Place Names Digital Atlas.


Social Justice, Diversity, Inclusion, Activism and Entrepreneurship: Introducing Saint Mary’s RBC Talent Hub Team

April Howe EMBA'18, the new RBC Talent Hub Entrepreneur-In-Residence at the Saint Mary's University's Entrepreneurship Centre (SMUEC)

Social justice, diversity, inclusion, activism and entrepreneurship. Powerful words that offer a peek into the hearts of the amazing women joining Saint Mary's University's RBC Talent Hub team.

"I am so proud to return to Saint Mary's University and give back to the next generation of amazing Canadian entrepreneurs," says April Howe EMBA'18, the new RBC Talent Hub Entrepreneur-In-Residence at the Saint Mary's University's Entrepreneurship Centre (SMUEC). "My intent is to provide mentorship, guidance and advice to students that was instrumental to me in my entrepreneurial journey, and I can't wait to start."

Howe has been an active voice for diversity and inclusion in Nova Scotia for many years. Her consultancy, Crayon Strategies Inc., works extensively with clients across Canada and the US from various sectors, including pharmacare, health care, finance engineering, tech, not-for-profit, and the start-up sector. Howe is the provincial Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Previously she held senior government roles of Senior Executive Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Justice. Before that, she was the Executive Director of People and Culture at the Public Service Commission and led the provincial Diversity and Inclusion strategy development. April was a Partner with Knightsbridge Robertson Surrette for 16 years leading their Career Transition practice. As a community volunteer, she served on the boards of the United Way, the IWK Foundation, the Halifax Partnership, the Black Business Initiative, and the North End Community Health Center. As a proud descendant, she was a founding board director and went on to be Board Chair of the Africville Heritage Trust.

“The RBC Talent Hub is very fortunate to have April Howe joining as the new Entrepreneur-In-Residence,” says Kellie Sauriol, RBC’s Regional Vice President, Business Financial Services, Atlantic Canada. “It is incredibly rare to have someone with such a rich background in both the private and public sectors available to guide and foster young entrepreneurs. Also, it speaks to the high quality of the Saint Mary’s University Entrepreneurship Centre itself that they continue to successfully bring in accomplished people like April to this role. I know the students will benefit greatly from her leadership.”

"Any time you can have someone with the experience of April join your team and work with students, it is an amazing win for your program," says Michael Sanderson, Director, SMUEC. "We are ecstatic to have April joining us and bring her wealth of experience across a variety of sectors to her work at Saint Mary's."

The Saint Mary's University RBC Talent Hub is an expansive initiative designed to support students on their entrepreneurial journey. Through co-operative education, internship placements, training, Entrepreneurial Mindset Success Certificate, and mentorship, the RBC Talent Hub provides an exceptional opportunity to students for additional hands-on learning opportunities. The skills developed through this program aim to give students an edge in beginning their careers and help them to excel in the workplace post-graduation. The program is made possible with support from RBC Foundation and is entering its fourth year.

"The success of our past Entrepreneurs-in-Residence: Gregg Curwin, Shannon Susko, and Leah Skerry have reinforced how important it is to have experienced individuals available to coach and mentor students as they develop their skills and create a plan for their future," says Sanderson. "To support their work, we brought in other experts to assist students through training and coaching, such as recent alumni, local professionals, and faculty. These additional supports alongside a seasoned entrepreneur proved so successful that we are expanding the RBC Talent Hub to include these new roles on a more permanent basis."  

Kaitlyn Touesnard BComm'13, Alumni-In-Residence at SMUEC.

Joining the RBC Talent Hub team at Saint Mary's in the newly created Alumni-In-Residence roles will be Kaitlyn Touesnard BComm'13 and Sehmat Suri BComm'19. 

Kaitlyn Touesnard has been managing the Atlantic Canadian Chapter of Entrepreneurs' Organization (EO) since Spring of 2020. She works closely with the over 80 entrepreneurs that make up EO's Membership to help them reach their full potential. Previous to her role at EO, she was the President and Founder of Crescendo Events. From a few small events to events with over 1,000 attendees, she grew the business for five years. Kaitlyn was named Planner of the Year for Atlantic Canada in 2019 by Meeting Professionals International. In 2012, Kaitlyn was named HSBC Woman Leader of Tomorrow for Atlantic Canada for her work with the Saint Mary's University Enactus Team.

Sehmat Suri BComm'19, Alumni-In-Residence at SMUEC.

Sehmat Suri BComm'19 is a digital media specialist, model, blogger, actor, and tv host. She moved to Halifax from India in 2014 and pursued a BA in Psychology and a BComm in Marketing at Saint Mary's. She has represented the university at national and international conferences and ran a local business for a year which led her to start modelling and growing her Instagram presence in 2017. She has since worked for companies like Sport Chek, Kent, Tic Tac, Tresemme and Tourism Nova Scotia and is one of the hosts of the travel show "Ocean Playground" on Eastlink. Sehmat currently works at m5 Marketing Communications and is expanding her online presence in the lifestyle, comedy, and social justice fields.

This latest expansion is just the beginning of new support for Saint Mary's University students through SMUEC. Later this year, more new volunteer positions are set to join the RBC Talent Hub. Their focus will be to provide students with more access to professionals such as lawyers, accountants, human resources, bankers and more. SMUEC also plans to increase integration with the world-leading experts amongst Saint Mary's faculty by adding dedicated faculty members to the RBC Talent Hub team.

SMU Researcher Part of New Federally Funded Global Indigenous Health and Biodiversity Project

Biodiversity decline. Reconciliation and the empowerment of Indigenous peoples. Both are prominent themes in Canada and around the world. These two important themes come together in Ărramăt, a newly launched Canadian-based project, and led by Indigenous peoples, in response to the global biodiversity and health crisis.

 Funded for 2021-2027 by Canada’s New Frontiers Research Fund Transformations Program, Ărramăt involves over 150 Indigenous organizations, universities, and other partners – including Saint Mary’s University’s Dr. Tony Charles – who will work together to highlight ways to counter biodiversity loss and address its implications for health and well-being.  

The project will be inclusive of many worldviews and methods for research in its activities across 70 different kinds of ecosystems that are spiritually, culturally, and economically important to Indigenous Peoples. 

As one of the project leaders, Mariam Wallet Aboubakrine, notes: “The Ărramăt Project is about respecting the inherent dignity and interconnectedness of peoples and Mother Earth, life and livelihood, identity and expression, biodiversity and sustainability, and stewardship and well-being.” 

The participants, knowledges, and interdisciplinary expertise in the project will address 150 different activities, with over half of the $24 million research budget going directly to Indigenous governments and organizations. They will lead their own work in ways that respect, protect, and elevate Indigenous knowledge and ways of life. Key topics include how food security can be secured for Indigenous Peoples, how Indigenous-led approaches to conservation can support wild species and agrobiodiversity, and how to engage in best practices for decolonizing education and science.   

Dr. Tony Charles emphasizes that having the project led by Indigenous scholars and communities is a crucial element.

“Biodiversity conservation is a key issue around the world, and one we’ve seen can be tackled effectively through Indigenous approaches,” says Dr. Charles. “That’s a message of the Community Conservation Research Network, based at Saint Mary’s, and one that is bound to be fundamental to the new Ărramăt Project.”


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SMU-TRIUMF Research on Rare Isotope of Helium Challenges Traditional Rule of Nuclear Structure

L-R: Sebastien Roy-Garand (SMU Undergrad student), Preetinder Jassal (SMU Ph.D. student), Greg Hackman (TRIUMF Scientist), Dr. Rituparna Kanungo (IRIS project leader & SMU Professor), Matthias Holl (SMU-TRIUMF IRIS PDF), Conor Waterfield (SMU student). Photo credit: TRIUMF.

From the wood in your desk to the stars in the sky, atoms and their inner core – the nuclei – are building blocks of the matter we see around us. Yet the traditional knowledge of the structure inside an atomic nucleus might need rethinking, according to new findings from Saint Mary's University researchers.

“This new finding challenges our traditional knowledge of nuclear shells, the onion-like structure inside a nucleus that organizes the building blocks of visible matter in our universe,” says Dr. Rituparna Kanungo, principal investigator of the research, IRIS project leader and Professor at Saint Mary’s University.

A recent paper by Dr. Kanungo, IRIS post-doctoral research fellow Matthias Holl, and the IRIS collaboration team of national and international scientists combines high-precision and high-statistics experimental data gathered with the Saint Mary’s University-led IRIS facility, and theoretical calculations by TRIUMF’s Theory Department and international teams, to unveil an unexpected shape deformation in the heaviest helium isotope, Helium-8 (He8).  

"These results were only possible to obtain due to the unique capabilities of the IRIS station,” said Matthias Holl, IRIS post-doctoral research fellow. “They show that unexpected phenomena can occur even in the lightest neutron-rich nuclei."

Our understanding of the stability of the elements is founded in a model of how protons and neutrons in their nuclei combine to stay bound, the so-called “shell model” of nuclear structure.  As the elements in the universe are largely formed in the nuclear furnaces of stars, the modern shell model theory has extremely important predictions both for the relative abundance of elements in the universe, and for the stability of stars to evolve, collapse or even explode.  

This shell model properly predicts that the most abundant and strongly bound elements are those containing certain particular “magic” numbers of protons and/or neutrons. The current understanding of the shell model implies that nuclei with magic numbers of protons or neutrons have spherically shaped distributions of those neutrons or protons.  

This assumption underlies much modelling of how elements are created in stars. Isotopes made with a very high numbers of neutrons relative to protons are unstable, and must eventually decay down to become less neutron-rich, and thus more stable.   

But it remains unclear whether this traditional, relatively simple, shell model description can be applied for nuclei of all elements. For example, what if we consider elements that contain lots more neutrons than protons? The new investigation led by Holl and Kanungo considered Helium-8 which has three times as many neutrons as protons, nature's most neutron-rich nucleus known till date. A new magic number seemingly appears for this, with the lowest two conventional magic numbers being 2 and 8, and He8 having 2 protons and 6 neutrons. The result: the distribution of neutrons was not spherical as expected! Instead, the neutrons were distributed more like a rugby-ball.  This calls into question parts of the current theory of how elements might be created and destroyed in stars, since this theory relies on the shell model and its spherical magic-number nuclei. We don’t fully understand how we’ve come to see the distribution in abundance of all elements in the Universe, and so we know there’s more to be discovered – this new shape measurement of He8 may be giving a clue towards some of our missing understanding.

Matthias Holl, IRIS post doc. in Dr. Kanungo’s team and lead author said ,“These results were only possible to obtain due to the unique capabilities of the IRIS station. They show that unexpected phenomena can occur even in the lightest neutron-rich nuclei.”

"This intriguing result about the shape of such a light, yet extremely neutron-rich, isotope is providing a new and important contribution to our understanding of how all of the elements in the universe were created in just the relative amounts we observe” said Dr. Adam Sarty, Associate Vice-President Research at Saint Mary’s University. “Coming to a clearer understanding of why the universe contains just exactly the relative abundances that we observe will rest on improving our understanding of whether the simple shell model can be used when nuclei have extreme compositions – and, if not, understanding how to adjust that model.”

“The finding begs further questions on the nature of the new sub-shell closures in neutron-rich nuclei,” said Dr. Kanungo. “This has the potential to influence and inform new understanding on the properties of heavy neutron-rich nuclei that create nature's heavy elements.”

“Nuclear shells are imprinted in nature in the abundance pattern of elements. They govern how nature creates matter through nuclear reactions and decays. The nuclear burning of the heavy neutron-rich nuclei creates the majority of the heavy elements such as gold, silver, platinum, and uranium, that we find on Earth.”

“Our work with Helium-8 is at the international forefront of research in nuclear structure, with Saint Mary’s University as the lead institution,” says Dr. Kanungo. “TRIUMF and the IRIS facility gives a huge opportunity to Saint Mary’s students at all levels, from undergraduate to graduate, to be a part of world-leading research. I look forward with excitement in anticipation of what the future holds with the confluence of ARIEL, CANREB and IRIS at TRIUMF together with our international team.”

The research paper, titled Proton inelastic scattering reveals deformation in helium-8, was published in November 2021 in Physics Letters B. The team’s next steps will be further investigation on the Helium-8 with different reaction probes, as well as exploring the heavy neutron-rich terra incognita.

Looking for more on the Helium-8 findings of the IRIS group? Click here to read more from TRIUMF.

Pet Photos: A Key to Successful Online Dating for Men According to New Study

Dr. Maryanne Fisher

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and in the case of a new research study from Saint Mary’s University, the right picture may be worth a lifetime of love.  The research shows that women see men who care for pets and children as good potential long-term partners, says evolutionary psychologist Dr. Maryanne Fisher.  

The recent study, published in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science by Saint Mary’s University's Mackenzie Zinck, Dr. Laura Weir, and Dr. Fisher, shows that men who care for dependents are perceived as high-quality mates, displaying the ability to invest in a long-term mate. This investment may be exhibited through financial and social status, and the ability to care for a mate and any resulting children. 

Online dating profiles were used to test the prediction, and as expected, men seeking long-term mates displayed dependents — primarily dogs and children— more than men seeking short-term mates, but both men and women seeking long-term mates displayed dependents similarly. Men, though, showed more dogs while women showed more children.  

“The inclusion of dependents represents a way for daters to advertise that they can, and are willing to, invest in a living being,” said Dr. Fisher.  “Men’s photos are really telling. Those interested in short-term relationships showed their body, their fancy trucks, the big fish they caught in the summer. Meanwhile, those seeking a relationship posted photos with their dogs and children. Whether or not women show the same difference remains to be seen. There weren’t many women dating online in the summer of 2020 openly advertising that they were seeking short-term relationships only.” 

Dr. Maryanne Fisher, a researcher and professor of Psychology at Saint Mary’s, is an expert on the evolutionary foundations of human interpersonal relationships. Her primary research areas include the evolutionary foundations of human interpersonal relationships and women's mating strategies and indicators of female physical attractiveness. 

Dr. Fisher recently discussed the study in an article she wrote for the Conversation.

The Circular Economy, Sustainability, and Transformation Focus of Third Annual Sobey School Responsible Leadership Day

Unprecedented demand for goods and services, supply chain strain, and actions related to climate change are all important factors that require transformation according to an emerging economic model. This model, called the Circular Economy, is the focus of the third annual Sobey School of Business’s Responsible Leadership event at Saint Mary’s University.

“The circular economy model is an emerging response to our most pressing challenges,” says David Runnalls, the event’s keynote speaker and a Distinguished Fellow with the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). “It provides governments, businesses and consumers with an approach to maximize value and eliminate waste by improving, and in some cases transforming, how goods and services are designed, manufactured and used.”

 The Sobey School of Business’s Responsible Leadership event, Circular Economy: The Economy For the Future? takes place this Friday, Nov. 5, 2021, from 8:45 a.m. to 11: 45 a.m. AST. Registration is available to attend in-person or online at This event aligns with the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), of which the Sobey School is a 2020-2022 PRME Champion.   

“The circular economy presents an enormous challenge for Canadian business since most of our exports are in resource and energy consumptive sectors,” adds Runnalls. “But it also offers numerous opportunities for enterprises, large and small. We will examine how companies and supportive government policies can take advantage of these opportunities.”  

In addition to the keynote, the event features a panel discussion with business and community members called The Circular Economy: Opportunities and challenges for Atlantic Canada, a sustainable development goals showcase, and student challenge called Rethink, React, Remodel, The Circular Economy Challenge.

 “The Sobey School of Business wants to be a driver of innovation, exemplified by this year’s focus on progressive, forward-thinking models such as the Circular Economy,” says Dr. Margaret McKee, Associate Dean with the Sobey School of Business. “This event brings top Canadian economists and policy analysts together with top researchers, business leaders and students to discuss the challenges of today and work towards a more prosperous and inclusive future.”

Celebrated Business Leader, Mental Health Advocate, and Philanthropist to Receive Honorary Degree from Saint Mary’s University

Michael H. McCain

Celebrated business leader, mental health advocate, and philanthropist Michael H. McCain will receive the highest honour Saint Mary's University can bestow, an honorary degree. 

"Home to the Sobey School of Business, the largest business school in Atlantic Canada, Saint Mary's University is a national leader in teaching and studying ethical and values-based business practices and community engagement. These themes are essential to a bright, inclusive and sustainable future," says Saint Mary's University President Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray. "It is our honour to recognize the accomplishments of a leading Canadian business leader who focuses on ethical and sustainable business practices and is known for his philanthropy and advocacy for enhancing food security and mental health services—Michael H. McCain." 

Michael H. McCain is President and Chief Executive Officer of Maple Leaf Foods, one of Canada’s flagship food companies, with sales of $4.3 billion and employing approximately 13,500 people in Canada and the United States. McCain has devoted his career to the food industry, starting at McCain Foods in the late 1970s, where he held a variety of roles, including president and chief executive officer of McCain Foods USA. He joined Maple Leaf Foods in 1995. Since then, he has been instrumental in establishing Maple Leaf as a strong and sustainable, values-based company with leading brands and market share across its businesses and a bold vision for the future.

“I am deeply honoured to receive this Doctor of Commerce from the Sobey School of Business.  It is particularly meaningful given that we share so many values in terms of business ethics, sustainability and food security,” says McCain. “As we move forward into a new decade changed by recent worldwide events, the next generation of business and community leaders will light our way forward. I am confident that we are in great hands.”

McCain and his team at Maple Leaf Foods are deeply committed to being the global leader in sustainable proteins, reflected in ambitious goals to improve nutrition, reduce antibiotic use in livestock, enhance animal care, advance environmental sustainability, and reduce food insecurity nationally and globally. McCain is a director of McCain Capital and Maple Leaf Foods. He is a member of the Richard Ivey School of Business Advisory Board, the Business Council of Canada, and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Foundation. He is also the honorary chairman of the Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security.

McCain will receive his honorary Doctor of Commerce later this month at the university’s fall convocation ceremony.

Saint Mary’s University Launches Tuition Waiver for Former Youth in Care

SMU sign_new brand.jpg

Saint Mary’s University is joining the growing list of post-secondary institutions across Nova Scotia which are reducing barriers to education for students who have lived in the care of the provincial child welfare system and associated services.  

“Education is a driving force for change in the lives of every student who enters our doors,” says Saint Mary’s University President Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray. “Each year, we commit almost $9 million in scholarships and bursaries to support students, and we are continually looking for new ways to reduce barriers to scholarship. I am proud to be extending this new opportunity to youth formerly in the care of the province.”  

Students who are eligible for the Saint Mary’s University Post-Care Tuition Waiver Program will receive a bursary that covers up to 100 percent of their tuition and course fees. Applications will open later this fall and will be retroactive to the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester.    

“For people who grew up in care like me, access to post-secondary studies is a game changer,” said Jane Kovarikova, Founder of Child Welfare PAC Canada and PhD Candidate at Western. “I am so grateful to Saint Mary’s for joining the movement to ensure brighter futures for current and former foster kids.”  

The Saint Mary’s University Post-Care Tuition Waiver Program supports individuals who have lived in care for at least one year in the Nova Scotia child welfare system; Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services of Nova Scotia; and the Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children as defined by the Children and Family Services Act, 2017. It also supports those who have received services through the Department of Community Services, Youth Services Program. Additional criteria can be found here.  

Members of the Saint Mary’s University community who are interested in supporting this program through a philanthropic gift can contribute here.  

New SMU Scholarship Celebrates Diversity Excellence

The Diversity Excellence Award recipients with donors Scott McCain and Leslie McLean, Charimsa Grace Walker, Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, and Board Chair Larry Freeman

The Diversity Excellence Award recipients with donors Scott McCain and Leslie McLean, Charimsa Grace Walker, Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray, and Board Chair Larry Freeman

Saint Mary's University is proud to announce a new scholarship for Black and Indigenous students – the Scott McCain and Leslie McLean Diversity Excellence Award.

Made possible by a $500,000 gift from philanthropists Scott McCain and Leslie McLean, the awards are available to full-time undergraduate Indigenous or Black students with financial need. This generous investment was made to Saint Mary’s most ambitious campaign in history - A World Without Limits: The Campaign for Saint Mary’s University, bringing the total amount of funds devoted to diversity excellence scholarships and bursaries to over one million dollars.

"Saint Mary's University celebrates the importance and impact of diverse perspectives," says Saint Mary's University President Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray. "This new scholarship is about creating space for possibility and potential, and it does so through increasing access to post-secondary educations for Black and Indigenous communities. I want to thank Scott and Leslie for their generous gift that will support students from these communities in attending and thriving at Saint Mary's as we work together toward a World without limits."

"Leslie and I both recognize the importance a high-quality education can make in the lives of Canadians, and we want to help reduce barriers to post-secondary education," says Scott McCain.

Every year, eight students will receive the Scott McCain and Leslie McLean Diversity Excellence Award of $2,500 each, which is renewable up to and including the student's fourth year of study. Students can be enrolled in any faculty or program at Saint Mary's. Students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada, with a preference for students who are from Atlantic Canada.

"Saint Mary's University has shown a commitment to ensuring access and support to post-secondary learning for Black and Indigenous students, and this award will help further that commitment by providing direct assistance to students," says Leslie McLean.

First-year psychology student Teannah McMullen is one of the recipients of this year’s award. "Without this support, I wouldn’t have been able to afford university or had the opportunity to attend Saint Mary’s," says Teannah. "Thank you, Scott and Leslie, for helping me make my dream of studying at Saint Mary’s come true."

Charisma Grace Walker, the African Nova Scotian/Black Student and Community Liaison at Saint Mary's University, is grateful for the new diversity awards, which will help increase access to education for Black and Indigenous students. "Receiving a diversity excellence award can truly change a student's life," says Walker. "Awards like this one can break down barriers to university and create a sense of community and support on campus. It can also alleviate financial worries for students, which enables them to focus on their studies and achieve their goals."

News release: New SMU Scholarship Supports Aspiring Writers of African Nova Scotia Descent

Floyd Kane BA'92, on the set of the show he created, DIggstown.

Floyd Kane BA'92, on the set of the show he created, DIggstown.

Saint Mary's University is launching an innovative new scholarship to support aspiring writers of African descent upon graduation.  

"I know the challenges and barriers that face aspiring writers of African Nova Scotian descent because that’s my lived experience," says Floyd Kane BA'92, the person behind this generous philanthropic gift. "This award is named in honour of my mother and aunt—two women who supported my dreams from the beginning.  I am proud to have the opportunity to pass along that support to the next generation of African Nova Scotian writers via an award that bears their name." 

The Edna and Velma Thomas Kane Writers Award has three main goals. To mitigate the burden of financial debt and insecurity for undergraduate students of African Nova Scotian descent in the Faculty of Arts. To support them in pursuing further post-secondary studies or training such as internships, apprenticeships, self-directed projects. And lastly, to advance their aspirations for careers in writing. The award recipient will receive $30,000 in support of these goals.

"Saint Mary's recognizes the importance of diverse voices and perspectives in all fields of research and study, including the creative arts and industries," says Saint Mary's University President Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray. "Writing and storytelling are essential tools for sharing our province's unique histories and experiences. This award will help us support African Nova Scotian students by reducing financial barriers as they embark on their next steps toward careers in writing. We are committed to creating possibilities for our students at Saint Mary's, celebrating their creative talents, and working together toward a World without limits."   

A member of the Saint Mary's University Board of Governors, Kane is a successful writer, filmmaker and television producer with numerous projects shot internationally – and in Nova Scotia, such as the feature film Across the Line (2014) and current hit TV series Diggstown, airing nationally on CBC-TV and soon in the U.S. on the FOX network. Kane grew up in East Preston and currently resides in Toronto. He was inspired to establish the award as a result of seeing talented fellow African Nova Scotian writers face challenges in pursuing careers in the arts and culture sectors due to barriers such as limited access to financial support.

The Edna and Velma Thomas Kane Writers Award is available for applications this academic year. For details and the online award application form, see Faculty of Arts Awards and Funding.

Saint Mary’s University Appoints New Dean of the Faculty of Arts

Dr. Mary I. Ingraham

Dr. Mary I. Ingraham

Saint Mary's University is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Mary I. Ingraham to the position of Dean, Faculty of Arts, Saint Mary's University, effective October 1, 2021.     

"I am honoured to announce the appointment of Dr. Mary I. Ingraham as the new Dean of the Faculty of Arts," says Saint Mary's University President Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray. "I look forward to Dr. Ingraham continuing to advance the position of Saint Mary's Faculty of Arts in our region as a preferred destination for students, faculty and staff engaged in high quality scholarship, teaching and research that explores and advances our World without limits.”   

Dr. Ingraham comes to Saint Mary's University by way of the University of Lethbridge, where she was the Dean of Fine Arts. Previously, Dr. Ingraham served as the Director of the Sound Studies Institute at the University of Alberta. While there, she also served as a Professor of Musicology for 16 years.    

"I am inspired by Saint Mary's commitment to equity and diversity as well as the Faculty of Arts' active participation in intercultural community engagement. The relationships and reciprocity students and faculty experience through interdisciplinary practices across SMU’s programs are invaluable in the development of strong global citizenship," says Dr. Ingraham. "I look forward to building upon the efforts of the university's faculty, students and staff to promote diversity, equity and inclusion and advance the importance and growth of Arts education for today's students and society."    

Born and raised in Nova Scotia, Dr. Ingraham's career began with a love of music, beginning with the piano at age three. From that early passion, a life and career dedicated to music and the arts began. While completing her Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance at Mount Allison University, Dr. Ingraham's focus shifted to German  literature and music history, earning a master's degree at the University of Victoria and a doctorate at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom. Her research is interdisciplinary in nature, emphasizing cultural studies and considering issues of ethnicity, race, gender and spirituality in identity studies.   

Dr. Ingraham and her husband David Owen, a professional oboist, are looking forward to returning to Nova Scotia after many years away from home. They will arrive in Halifax this fall, and she will assume her new role as dean this semester. 

Saint Mary’s University Enacts New COVID-19 Measures

With the full endorsement of the Board of Governors, and after broad consultation with students, faculty, and staff, Saint Mary’s University is taking action to ensure the safety of the university community ahead of the Fall 2021 semester.  The university is adopting COVID-19 mandatory vaccination requirements for residence students, varsity and club sport student-athletes and Department of Athletics and Recreation staff and coaches, together with heightened health and safety protocols.

“As we prepare to return to campus this fall, and as COVID-19 variants continue to emerge around the world and in Canada, we have an opportunity as a university community to make a difference for ourselves and the wider community,” says Saint Mary’s University President Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray. “After a year and a half of managing our collective response to COVID-19 with much effort and sacrifice on everyone’s part, it is time to resume more fully the unique, vibrant and engaging experience that is the hallmark of Saint Mary’s University.”   

The goal is to have everyone in the Saint Mary’s University community: faculty, staff and students, fully vaccinated by October 15, 2021. By achieving this goal, the university will keep the community safe, enjoy a vibrant on-campus experience and contribute to the health and safety of the greater community.  

Saint Mary’s University is taking the following measures to ensure that campus is prepared to return to in-person activities for the fall:  

  • Varsity athletes, students in club sports, coaches, staff in the Department of Athletics and Recreation, and students living in residence must be fully vaccinated by October 15, 2021.

    • They will be required to provide proof of vaccination status before participating in varsity or club sport or accessing their residence room.

    • The university may extend these requirements to other groups in the future.

  • Students, staff, and faculty not subject to the mandatory requirement for vaccinations are required to follow public health recommendations to be fully vaccinated.

    • On-campus, pop-up vaccination clinics will be provided and access to other centres for vaccination will be supported so that this objective can be achieved by October 15, 2021.

  • Masks are required in all common areas and in shared indoor spaces on campus unless physical distancing of at least one metre can be maintained. This is a requirement for all when present on campus.

  • Asymptomatic rapid testing will be available on campus for all students, faculty and staff. 

  • Faculty, staff, students and visitors are required to use the daily check-in process upon arrival at campus. Effective September 1, there will be an added anonymous form for self-declaration of vaccination status.

The university recognizes that some individuals may have legitimate circumstances for seeking an exemption or accommodation and will provide an application process for accommodation.    

“Saint Mary’s University and Nova Scotia have fared well during these challenging times due to concerted and decisive action, and we can be proud of what we have achieved so far,” says President Summerby-Murray. “From the outset of this pandemic, I have said that the health and safety of our community come first. This new policy embodies that commitment.”   

For more information on the COVID-19 protocols in place at Saint Mary’s University, visit