Faculty of Arts

Dr. Joshua Nichols to deliver the 2023 Marshall Lecture in Public Philosophy

Dr. Joshua Nichols

Questions of truth and reconciliation in law will be the focus of the 2023 Marshall Lecture in Public Philosophy, taking place September 28 at Saint Mary’s University.

Dr. Joshua Nichols of McGill University’s Faculty of Law will deliver this year’s lecture, titled “Undoing the Colonial Double-Bind: Interpretation and Justification in Aboriginal Law”. Dr. Nichols is Métis from Treaty 8 Territory in British Columbia. His research centers on the legacy of British Imperialism and the conflictual constitutional relationship between Canada and Indigenous peoples.

Nichols is the author of A Reconciliation without Recollection: An Investigation of the Foundations of Aboriginal Law in Canada (University of Toronto Press, 2020), which has been lauded as a “truly significant contribution” to the understanding of reconciliation today.

Joshua Nichols book cover

In the book, he "investigates the idea of reconciliation through a brilliant exploration of its use and misuse in Canadian legal discourse," says a review by Mark D. Walters, Dean and Professor of Law, Queen’s University. "In eloquent and powerful terms, he argues that genuine reconciliation demands that we remember our shared histories and see in law redemptive possibilities based on the kind of intercultural dialogue and respect that shaped treaty relationships in the past.”

In his lecture in Halifax/Kjipuktuk, Nichols will discuss the idea that Aboriginal law in Canada is caught in a colonial double-bind. On the one hand, the courts have acknowledged the pre-existing sovereignty of Indigenous peoples. On the other hand, the courts have accepted the sovereignty and legislative power of the Crown as against and over Indigenous peoples. By appealing to legal reasoning found within relevant case law, including the Quebec Court of Appeal’s recent reconsideration of Van der Peet in the C-92 Reference, Nichols aims to provide a way to deal with the double-bind using legal tools the courts already possess.

“The Marshall Lecture in Public Philosophy has been a great forum for bringing academics to campus to discuss topics of interest to the general public,” says Dr. Todd Calder, a faculty member in the Department of Philosophy and Chair of the Marshall Lecture Committee.

“We are particularly excited this year to have a speaker whose presentation is directly relevant to questions of truth and reconciliation, in the days just prior to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.”

The annual lecture series tackles complex contemporary questions through a philosophy lens. Last year, Dr. Hallie Liberto of the University of Maryland discussed “Three kinds of victim blame: and what is wrong with each?” Previous speakers have explored such topics as climate change ethics, the dilemmas of protecting religious freedoms, and the delegation of human decision-making to machines.  

This free public lecture is presented by the Department of Philosophy, with support from The Rowland Marshall Public Philosophy Lecture Fund. It begins at 7 p.m. in the Scotiabank Conference Theatre in the Sobey School of Business, with a reception to follow. All are welcome to attend.

Archaeology field school illuminates everyday life in ancient Roman villa

Students at Saint Mary’s University are helping to peel back layers of the past at a Roman villa dating back more than 2,000 years in central Italy. A vivid story from ancient history is emerging at the Villa of Titus excavation site in the Apennine mountains, about 70 kilometres northeast of Rome.

“Based on the artifacts recovered this year, it seems mostly likely that the building was residential,” says Dr. Myles McCallum, Associate Dean of Arts and co-director of the archaeological research project that is also home to a field school. “We found toiletry items such as bronze tweezers and spoons for applying makeup, bits of furniture one might find in a Roman house and lots of pottery used for cooking, all of which indicate a domestic use of the building.”

Eleven Saint Mary’s students and two alumni participated in the field school this May and June, along with six students and several researchers from McMaster University. Offered by the Ancient Studies program in our Department of Languages and Cultures, the study abroad opportunity launched in 2018 and also took place in 2019 and 2022. By working on an active research site, students learn the basics of environmental archaeology, excavation and artifacts analysis, and some even contribute to published research reports and articles.   

“These skills all build on each other. You dig things up physically, clean things off and take pictures and drawings of them to try and understand and identify them. You measure them, you fill out paperwork, you log information into a database,” says McCallum.

“You put it all together and it adds to that understanding of what life was like 2,000 years ago in a different part of the world. It engages every part of your brain, the frontal lobe big-picture stuff. So that’s a big deal for students because no matter what you do in life, you’re going to have to be able to pose questions and figure out how to answer them.”

The research follows a theory that the monumental two-storey structure was built in the first century BCE for the emperor Titus, who reined 79-81 CE during the Second Dynasty of the Roman Empire. As more of the intact brick walls emerge from the hillside, “we understand much more about the building’s overall plan, as a villa with a central courtyard on a large terrace,” says McCallum.

Researchers found evidence this year that the complex was occupied for about 120 years. They also discovered signs of a previous building at the site, which had an adjacent well and large garden area.

“So people were there for a few hundred years in the smaller building, then built something much bigger on top of it. We also know that the villa went out of use in the second century CE, but we’re not entirely sure why,” McCallum says.

The main goal of the project is to reconstruct the daily lives of the enslaved workers, the subaltern people who grew crops, made bricks and wine, pressed olives for oil and engaged in cleaning, building, mining, woodworking and metalworking. Much of their economic activity may have taken place in the building’s basement (cryptoporticus), which had a large storage room, a door where carts could load and unload, and possibly also living quarters.

“Next year, we’re going to expand our exploration of this basement area,” says McCallum. The first step will require heavy equipment to remove hundreds of tonnes of stone and earth that had collapsed into the lower level, and then students will have a chance to excavate.

“It’s interesting because we think we know a lot about slaves during the Roman Empire, but nobody wrote about them, at least not from a social-historical perspective. So archaeological evidence is really the only direct evidence we have of what their lives were like. As a focus of research, it’s pretty recent,” says McCallum.  

The villa sits high above the Velino Valley’s Lago di Paterno, a freshwater lake considered to be Italy’s geographical center and a once-sacred site connected to the goddess Vacuna. The University of London is conducting archaeobotanical research there with pollen coring, studying changes to the landscape and its flora and fauna over a 15,000-year period. “So that will be interesting, to tie in the human relationship with the landscape and environmental history too,” says McCallum.

Other notable finds have been oil lamps, bronze coins, glass perfume bottles, mosaic flooring and tiles, and transport amphorae (containers) that carried goods from as far as Spain and North Africa. Also intriguing is evidence of a ritual to seal off a well—including a silver mirror and a baby suckling pig, both sacrificed in hopes of a divine blessing for the house being built over the well.

The Villa of Titus project team also includes co-director Dr. Martin Beckmann of McMaster University and researchers from universities in Italy, the U.K. and the U.S. With support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Saint Mary’s is building on its existing strengths in archaeology research and education, deepening its cultural exchanges and academic connections with Italy’s museums, archaeologists and academic community.

“Experiential learning and study abroad opportunities are an important element of what we do in our program and in the Faculty of Arts,” says McCallum. “We’re working on developing more of these opportunities, and our students are embracing the chance to do this.”

Three other field schools took place in Italy this summer, including Sacred Space: Rome, from Ancient to Modern, offered by the Department for the Study of Religion, plus two in the Pisticci region, under a new dual stream Colonialism and Migration: Ancient and Modern field school:

  • the SJCS Migrant Justice Field School, offered by the Department of Social Justice & Community Studies; and

  • the Metaponto Archaeological Field School, led by Dr. Sveva Savelli and the Ancient Studies program for the second year in a row

Embracing the power of writing with new Kane Award

Trayvone Clayton BA’23 is well versed in the power and impact of words as a young leader in his Halifax community of Uniacke Square. During his time as a student at Saint Mary’s University, he also discovered the power of writing as tool for healing, self-reflection and mental health. So it means the world to him to be the first recipient of the university’s new Edna and Velma Thomas Kane Writers Award. 

“Writing keeps me balanced,” says Clayton, who carries a notebook around much of the time. “Just writing down daily thoughts and ideas, things that have been on my mind all day. It takes so much pressure off and gets the negative thoughts out of your head. If you ever want to look back, it’s all right there in the book.” 

He got a rousing standing ovation upon receiving the inaugural Kane Writers Award during the spring graduation ceremony for the Faculty of Arts. Valued at $30,000, it’s one of the most substantial student awards in the university’s history. Launched in the fall of 2021, it was created through the generosity of donor Floyd Kane BA’92, a writer, filmmaker, lawyer and TV producer from East Preston. 

Stephanie Johnson BComm’93 and Edna Kane

Kane’s mother Edna and his cousin Stephanie Johnson BComm’93 (daughter of his late aunt Velma) were on campus to take part in the May 19 award presentation. Kane was away but watched the graduation live stream

“I’m really proud of my son Floyd,” Edna Kane said after the ceremony. “He went through a lot but he’s a super guy, that’s all I can say. He’s a super son.”  

Johnson, a self-described “Husky for life,” added that her cousin is best known for his creative work but his spirit of philanthropy is just as strong. “To be able to give someone in the community this type of opportunity that will help them live their life and pursue their dream, it’s brilliant. So I’m proud to be part of it. It’s a legacy for my mom and my auntie here, and we’re just really proud of Floyd,” she said. 

Trayvone Clayton is the first recipient of the Edna and Velma Thomas Kane Writers Award

Clayton hopes to go on to law school for his next chapter, the same path Kane took after Saint Mary’s. A former SMU Huskies basketball player, Clayton majored in Criminology with a minor in Social Justice and Community Studies, themes that reverberate throughout Kane’s hit TV series, Diggstown. Shot largely in Nova Scotia, the legal drama wrapped last year after four seasons. Since then, Kane has been hard at work developing another legal show, shooting two movies and filming a documentary about Black music in Canada.  

The two men had a chance to meet each other for the first time on June 2. In many ways, Clayton is the type of student Kane had in mind with his gift to the university, which aims to remove financial barriers to education for African Nova Scotian students.  

“I identified with a lot of his story,” Kane said after their lunch meeting on campus. “Although I grew up in the country and he grew up in the city, we both grew up with relatively modest economic means. We both grew up in African Nova Scotian communities where there wouldn’t be a lot of Black men going to university and pursuing post-secondary education, mainly because of economic circumstances.” 

Working several jobs to pay his tuition while he was a full-time student, athlete and volunteer, Clayton faced other big hurdles along the way, including learning to live with epilepsy. He was devastated by the 2019 shooting death of his younger cousin Triston Reece, who was also a promising athlete. Processing his grief from that loss prompted Clayton to start carrying the notebook around. 

Said Kane: “We talked about loss, the commonalities of experiencing significant losses early in life. I kind of always reverted to fiction. When I try to write something personal, I have a hard time doing anything autobiographical. But telling a story, that’s way easier for me. Writing got me through some tough times.” 

Another life-changing experience in 2019 cemented Clayton’s commitment to social change and the movement against anti-Black racism and discrimination. He was in Ottawa attending the National Black Canadians Summit, and his group encountered racial profiling by an employee in the Parliament buildings. That’s when he started speaking out; the incident made national headlines and led to a meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  

“I guess I always had it in me about doing the right things, and it took off from there,” Clayton says. “With GameChangers902, we’ve built a platform and we’re trying to create opportunities for youth. My whole purpose in wanting to go to law school is to lead by example. I want to build a legacy for other young people. When they see I can do it, they’ll realize they can do it too.”

Clayton in his community of Uniacke Square

Clayton feels a responsibility to be a good role model, coach and mentor. Last December, he helped organize a community Christmas for African Nova Scotian youth, which raised more than $20,000 so that each youngster at the event received a $500 gift card. “It just made me feel like you can do anything you really put your mind to,” he says.  

His community work has seen him honoured with other awards, including the 2019 Peace Medal from the YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth, and two 2019 Nova Scotia Human Rights Awards. The advocacy work gave Clayton the confidence to work hard at his academic studies, “to show people in my community that we belong here, that we do have something to say and that our voice matters.”  

Read more in our Q&A with Trayvone Clayton.

Edna and Velma Thomas Kane Writers Award

Students planning to graduate in 2024 have until November 30 to apply for the Edna and Velma Thomas Kane Writers Award. Kane stressed that the term ‘writer’ can mean everything from poetry or screenwriting to wanting to write a master’s thesis.  
“This award keeps ‘writing’ broadly defined because writing is the foundation to so many things,” said Kane. “We’re all writers in some way, it’s a key part of what you do and learn in a Bachelor of Arts degree. I had a great time at law school but Saint Mary’s is where my path was first taken. I had amazing professors who gave me the confidence to embrace the power of writing.”

Nova Scotia Provincial Heritage Fair returns to SMU

Budding young history buffs from across the province converged on campus last week, as Saint Mary’s University hosted the 2023 Nova Scotia Provincial Heritage Fair.

“We were thrilled to welcome students back in person this year,” said the event’s coordinator Dr. Kirrily Freeman, Director of Outreach and Experiential Learning for the Faculty of Arts. “The Heritage Fair encourages young research talent to shine and connect with the expertise of our Arts faculty and heritage partners. It’s so great to be able to do that in person again.”

The annual celebration of history and heritage returned to campus on June 8 and 9 for the first time since June 2019. Virtual versions were offered over the past few years due to the pandemic.

Forty students—some in costume—shared projects on a wide range of topics, after being selected at their school and regional fairs. Subjects this year ranged from the history of the Jingle Dress to Vimy Ridge, Oak Island, ham radios and even local rapper Classified. The learning opportunity is designed for students in Grades 4 through 9, encouraging them to explore Canadian culture, history and heritage while gaining research and public presentation skills.

“By doing these projects, students focus on research and critical thinking. But they also learn how to share that knowledge with the public, and how to explain the significance of events from the past,” said Freeman.

The students and their chaperones arrived June 8 to set up their displays, attend workshops and get acquainted at a banquet with entertainment by Halifax ‘wizard rock’ band The Lovegoods. On June 9, the projects were open for public viewing in the McNally Theatre Auditorium. Students and their parents enjoyed chatting with The Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, ONS, KC, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, and Her Honour Mrs. Patsy LeBlanc, who wandered among the displays and stayed for the awards ceremony afterwards.

Educational workshops both days ranged from podcasting to archaeology, and astronomy sessions in the Burke-Gaffney Observatory. Awards recognized student research in such areas as Acadian and Indigenous heritage, environmental history, equity and justice, immigration studies, history of science and technology, military heritage and more. The judging panel included professionals who are active in the fields of culture, history and heritage: history professors, archivists, librarians, museum curators, museum interpreters and more.


Q&A with Bachelor of Arts graduate and activist Trayvone Clayton

Trayvone Clayton is a member of the Spring 2023 graduating class. He graduates with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Criminology with a minor in Social Justice and Community Studies. A founding member of GameChangers902, Trayvone has made a positive impact on youth in the African Nova Scotian community. His advocacy work has been recognized with the 2019 Peace Medal from the YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth, and two 2019 Nova Scotia Human Rights Awards

In May, he was the recipient of the first Edna and Velma Thomas Kane Writers Award. Valued at $30,000, it’s one of the most substantial student awards in the university’s history. Launched in the fall of 2021, it was created through the generosity of donor Floyd Kane BA’92, a writer, filmmaker, lawyer and TV producer from East Preston.

Q&A with Trayvone Clayton

How did you feel when you found out you were the first winner of the Edna and Velma Thomas Kane Writers Award? I was speechless. My mouth just dropped. It was such a big surprise. I’m still shocked about the award, and what it can do for my future.

How will this award help in your next chapter ahead? Honestly, it’s going to push me more to continue to do what I do. I’m going to keep doing everything I can to give back to my community and create opportunities for youth in my community.

What were your thoughts on graduating? It’s such a humbling but exciting moment. I’m just the third person in my family to graduate from university. My uncle (Dekota Clayton, a local audiologist) and my older brother Marquis were the first. Ever since I was a kid and saw them walk across the stage, it was always like, ‘ok, I’m going to do this’. My whole family played a big role. My parents are hardworking people. I’ve seen them always pushing to do more so I guess it’s in the DNA, that’s where I get it from. Marquis plays basketball too—he won the championship with SMU, so he’s a well-known man around here.

What courses or instructors had the biggest impact on you? Rachel Zellars is such a great prof. If students have a chance to take her Community Organizing course, they should. It can apply to anything, from local issues to worldwide issues.

Any thoughts to share about the Huskies and your teammates? I didn’t play this past year but in previous years, my teammates always made me feel welcome and comfortable. I built great friendships with people from all over and now it’s brotherhood. Basketball definitely got us all to where we are now.

What’s next for you? I’m going to continue on with community organizing. A lot of people call me an activist but I just like to do things for my community and to be a role model for youth. I’m planning to go to law school in the future, so that will be another big part of my life

What will you miss the most about SMU? Definitely Timmys. And one thing about SMU, it’s all right here. Especially in the wintertime, when you don’t even have to step outside … man, I’m grateful for that. Not too big, not too small, everything is here.

What advice do you have for new students at Saint Mary’s? Go talk to your profs. They can be a great source of help and support. And talk to other students. Make some new friends with people who are from another part of the world, it expands your horizons.

Be yourself, for yourself and nobody else. Accept people for who they are, too. Don’t come to university thinking, ‘I’m only going to hang with the cool kids.’ Everybody has their own ways of being cool. Even if they have a notebook in their pocket. Carry a notebook, always! Not for school or class, carry a notebook so you can jot down and document what’s going on in your daily life.

Documentary by Dr. Kate Ervine reveals the unseen ways we contribute to greenhouse gas emissions

Dr. Kate Ervine, The Carbon Cage

When you think of your carbon footprint, you may think of your daily commute or home energy consumption. One Saint Mary’s professor is shedding light on the other unseen ways we contribute to greenhouse gas emissions every day.

Kate Ervine is an associate professor of Global Development Studies. Last November, her short documentary, “The Carbon Cage,” was published by Scientific American

“Perhaps we can start reimagining a world where we reprioritize things that contribute to people’s well-being” - Dr. Kate Ervine

Ervine co-created the documentary with journalist and documentary filmmaker Duy Linh Tu through a grant from the Global Reporting Centre. It highlights how wealthy countries like the United States and Canada have become trapped in a cycle of fossil fuel reliance, and how attempts to combat climate change sometimes don’t address the root of the problem.

“I set out to explore the global political economy of climate change and the centrality of carbon to our economies, our society and our lives, and why that makes climate change hard to address,” says Ervine. 

“It's not that we're not doing some effective things, but there’s a lot of delay and distraction.”

Ervine traces the roots of contemporary climate change to the rise of our current economic system during the Industrial Revolution. Since then, demands for unchecked growth in production, consumption and energy use have contributed to record-high CO2 emissions.

Ervine’s documentary shows that the last time Earth experienced similar levels of atmospheric CO2 was more than four million years ago.

“Fossil fuels have become central to powering economic growth,” says Ervine. “They still provide roughly 80 per cent of global energy.” 

Changing this system is no easy task. Ervine worked her way through university and graduate school with jobs at an automotive assembly plant and steel mill in her home province of Ontario. These jobs were in carbon-intensive industries, but they provided her—and other families—with a secure livelihood. 

“It's a challenge when we're talking about the kinds of deep transformations that need to happen because so many people's lives are going to be impacted in profound ways,” Ervine says. “It can provoke a lot of fear because you're asking, ‘What does this mean for my job? What does it mean for my family?’”

Ervine’s research looks at how just transitions and sustainable development for all might be possible within the context of carbon dependency. 

For Ervine, cutting emissions is key to combatting climate change. But as the effects of climate change have worsened, she says these reductions are not happening fast enough.

Ervine points to investments in things like carbon offsets as a way businesses and governments are delaying real, lasting change. In recent years, voluntary carbon offsetting has ballooned to a more than $2-billion industry. But research shows significant problems with carbon offsetting, which doesn’t actually lower emissions. 

“Part of my research has been about saying, when we know what needs to be done and how significant the problem is, why do we design policies that are not particularly effective?” says Ervine. 

As we look forward to a changing future, Ervine says more investments need to be made in phasing out fossil fuels and laying the groundwork for transformative and equitable change.  Democratic green energy, accessible mass public transit and sustainable food systems are just some of our many options. 

“Perhaps we can start reimagining a world where we reprioritize things that contribute to people’s well-being,” says Ervine. “It does require change, but we might actually get some pleasure and joy out of it.”

The Carbon Cage by Kate Ervine and Duy Linh Tu

Meet your Valedictorian: Flynn Walthour BA'23

Flynn Walthour BA’23

Four years ago when she was getting ready to graduate from high school in Oregon, Flynn Walthour didn’t have a clear plan for her next steps. She knew where she was heading, though—across the continent to Halifax, and Saint Mary’s University.

Flynn was intrigued with the possibilities of exploring the opposite coast, living in a new country and creating new experiences for herself. Along with her studies, she gained valuable leadership skills as co-president of the SMU History Society. Now the Dean’s List student is graduating magna cum laude and heading back home with plenty of memories and lifelong friendships formed here.

Q&A with Flynn Walthour

Where is your hometown? I was born in Carmel, California and was raised there until I was 14. I then moved to Portland, Oregon where my family still lives.

Why did you choose Saint Mary’s? I chose Saint Mary’s due to its small class sizes and international student population. I wanted to come to the East Coast of Canada and SMU offered me everything I wanted from a school.

What programs did you study? I majored in History with a minor in Geography. They are interconnected in so many ways and I find a knowledge of both to be necessary. I love human geography, and learning how humans affect the environment and how the environment affects us culturally and historically. I have always been drawn to history ever since California history in elementary school. I love learning about the past and how it affects us today.

Which instructor had the biggest impact on you? Although I have loved many professors here at SMU, I constantly chose courses with Dr. Heather Green. Her classes are always interactive and captivating. I appreciate all I have learned from her.

What can you say about the value of studying arts and humanities? We need writers, historians and philosophers just as much as we need doctors and engineers. The arts teach critical thinking, empathy and understanding. They ask us to dig deeper and find out the true story. They teach us how to better understand the world we live in and how to make it better.

Were you involved in any campus activities? I got involved with the SMU History Society. My friend Lydia signed on for the executive team and needed another person to help restart the society, which had been absent since 2018. It required a lot of work but we wanted an outlet on campus where history lovers could meet other like-minded individuals. Although we restarted it late into our education and didn’t get to hold many events, I’m happy that we were able to bring the society back for future students.

What’s your favorite space on campus? The third floor of the library. I have spent many days up there working and reading. I love the bright windows and the quiet atmosphere. Other than my room, I doubt I have spent more time anywhere else.

What was it like to live in residence? I lived in residence for all of my in-person years at SMU and I feel as though it was the best fit for me. As an international student, entering a lease seemed difficult, given the fact that I do not live here year-round. My roommate Ashlyn and I found fun and a sense of home in Rice, and I appreciated the stability of having a home in residence.

Can you share any thoughts on our student supports and services? The support systems at SMU are better than anybody could imagine. I received nothing but support and help from residence staff, the Financial Aid office and the Student Health Clinic.

What are your goals for the future? I would like to become a high school history teacher. Saint Mary’s has set me on that path through the education I have received. I am confident in my ability to pass on my knowledge to the next generation.

What advice do you have for new students? My advice for new students is to get involved. Life is what you make it so put yourself out there, make friends, join societies and make your experience at SMU one you can look back on with pride.

Spring Convocation for the Faculty of Arts takes place on May 19, 2023. Watch the ceremonies live at smu.ca/graduation or on our Facebook page.

Meet your Valedictorian: Karla Kenny BA'23

Karla Kenny BA’23

Time is never wasted when you’re chasing your dreams, says Karla Kenny, who knows from experience that dreams change and grow along the way.

Karla began university 20 years ago to obtain her first Bachelor of Arts degree in her home province of Newfoundland and Labrador. She has since built a meaningful career in the human services industry, working with non-profit organizations supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as at-risk youth and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Now a mother of three sons and a small business owner in Halifax with her wife Erin, Karla returned to school to enhance her commitment to working toward a more equitable and inclusive society. She looks forward to representing the Class of 2023 and she’s no stranger to public speaking. At the recent Science Atlantic Psychology Conference, she won the Science Communication Award for her presentation titled, "Oh, that's so cringy! Exploring the Evolutionary Roots of Embarrassment".

Q&A with Karla Kenny

Where is your hometown? Cape Broyle, Newfoundland, though Nova Scotia has been home for the past decade.

What’s your major? Honours Psychology. I have a degree in gender studies from Memorial University and a photojournalism diploma from Loyalist College. The honours program here allowed me to gain valuable research experience that will help pave the way for me to pursue graduate studies.  

What was it like to be a more non-traditional student here at SMU? For me, the experience was wonderful because I never felt like I was out of place. I had a lot of great dialogue with younger students who could offer me a perspective on their experiences and in turn, allowed me to share mine.  

What courses or instructors had the biggest impact on you? Advanced Seminar in Evolutionary Psychology with Dr. Maryanne Fisher was hands down my favourite course. She has been instrumental in my next steps to continue exploring queer theory from an evolutionary lens. Her openness in discussing the importance of creating dialogue regarding queer experiences and representation within the area of psychology research leaves me with the utmost respect for her as a professor and a human.

It's not something that was openly talked about in class when I was in my twenties. To see how that has changed is wonderful. I also really enjoyed Contemporary Readings in Psychology with Dr. Marc Patry, who also led a discussion-based class that got a roomful of people from different demographics engaged in dialogue.  

What are your future goals? Dr. Fisher recognized my interest in the field of evolutionary psychology and the elements I can bring from the queer experience. I’m currently working on applying this perspective to topics such as mating strategy, flirting, self-promotion, jealousy patterns and parental investment, all through a queer lens. I’m also beginning research on the evolutionary roots of embarrassment! Future areas will also likely involve the social, personality and developmental psych realms.

How will your passion for research help to enhance your advocacy work? I believe that working hands-on my entire life within marginalized populations, and having my own lived experience, I will always continue to work toward promoting visibility, equity and inclusion. In doing so from a research perspective, I hope to keep bringing awareness that differences are to be celebrated. As one species on this planet, we all deserve the same rights and safeties as others. 

What advice do you have for new students at Saint Mary’s? Find what you love and chase a life in it. If your path ever seems to become less clear, just know that it's ok. Whether you are 18 or 80 years old, know that you have the power to choose a different path and pursue the life that is good for you.   

Spring Convocation for the Faculty of Arts takes place on May 19, 2023. Watch the ceremonies live at smu.ca/graduation or on our Facebook page.

2023 poetry and fiction prizes announced

The Department of English Language and Literature is delighted to announce the winners of this year’s Joyce Marshall Hsia Memorial Poetry Prize and Margó Takacs Marshall Prize for Excellence in Short Story Writing.

First place in the short fiction category goes to Jaya Joshi, an English major, for a wistfully lyrical story about the afterlife. Melissa Dalley, an Anthropology major, took first prize in the poetry category for a sequence of connected poems on the themes of loss and grief, and fourth prize in the short story contest.

The Awards Committee reviewed a strong pool of entries this year, in both the poetry and fiction categories, says Dr. Luke Hathaway. Submissions included spoken/sung and written pieces, and work in a dizzying array of genres: “contemplative lyrics, mythopoeic epyllia, speculative fictions, small-town dramas...we had it al!”.

Here is the full list of winners:  

Joyce Marshall Hsia Memorial Poetry Prize

  • First prize ‘Die Young’ and others, by Melissa Dalley; majoring in Anthropology; minors in Biology and Ancient Studies

  • Second prize – ‘Oviparous’, by Capitu Petersen; Anthropology major; minor in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Forensic Sciences certificate

  • Third prize ‘My Biggest Fears’, by Connor Hattie; English major; Psychology minor  

  • Honourable mention – ‘Salamander’ by Ryan Sanderson; English major; Creative Writing minor

Margó Takacs Marshall Prize for Excellence in Short Story Writing

  • First prize ‘The Exit Interview’, by Jaya Joshi; English major; French minor  

  • Second prize ‘Don’t Stay Too Long’, by Andrew Stilwell; English major  

  • Third prize ‘The Place We Can Never Get Back To’, by Melanie Hattie; Anthropology major  

  • Fourth prize – ‘The Delay’, by Melissa Dalley; Anthropology major; minors in Biology and Ancient Studies  

The judges would like to extend their gratitude to all students who submitted their work, and to the sponsors of these awards. The annual creative writing contests are open to any student currently enrolled at Saint Mary’s University. Next year’s deadline for submissions will be in March 2024. Some of the previous winners have gone on to become nationally celebrated writers, such as Sue Goyette, Jenny Haysom, Jill MacLean and Danny Jacobs.

Saint Mary’s University historian unveils discoveries on Catholic migration in Atlantic Canada

Dr. Karly Kehoe and team researching at Pollett’s Cove in Cape Breton, NS

For historian Karly Kehoe, it took leaving Nova Scotia to see its importance in her research. 

Kehoe is from Margaree Forks, Cape Breton, and studied history and anthropology as an undergraduate at Saint Mary’s University. In 2000, she left Canada to pursue her PhD at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. 

“For me, being a historian is very much understanding the legacy of the past and how we can talk about and deal with where we are right now.” - Dr. Karly Kehoe

Besides research fellowships at institutions like Trinity College Dublin, Yale University and Durham University, Kehoe worked in Scotland as a university professor until 2016. There, she began exploring the migration of Scottish and Irish Catholics to British territories in the Atlantic during the 18th and 19th centuries. 

“When I worked at the University of the Highlands and Island, it was clear there were a lot of people in the area whose ancestors had gone to Cape Breton in the 19th century. I found it easy to connect with them and learned a lot about Cape Breton and how its communities had evolved in the process,” she says.

Now, Kehoe is back at Saint Mary’s University and sharing her findings with her students and local communities beyond the university. 

As the Canada Research Chair in Atlantic Canada Communities, she is also building on the work she has been doing for more than a decade on religious minority migration to the Caribbean and what would become Atlantic Canada.

“I never thought I would end up here doing this work, but research is about following the evidence. The source material, the landscape and the conversations were showing me important things,” says Kehoe. 

“The research chair I hold is allowing me to look at settlement patterns here in the Maritimes and investigate why Catholics—a persecuted religious minority in the United Kingdom—migrated in such large numbers to places like Cape Breton, mainland Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and various islands in the Caribbean.”

Last year, Kehoe published her second book, Empire and Emancipation: Scottish and Irish Catholics at the Atlantic Fringe, with the University of Toronto Press. 

Through her research, Kehoe has shed light on how the arrival of Catholic migrants—displaced because of their religion—led to new communities in Nova Scotia and nearby provinces.

It has also revealed a darker history of how these newcomers knowingly displaced the Indigenous Mi’kmaq and extended Britain’s imperial reach. 

“When you start putting the pieces together about how communities here formed and how they were informed by an imperial program that was very powerful and very thorough, you start to uncover more of what the legacy is,” says Kehoe. “For me, being a historian is very much understanding the legacy of the past and how we can talk about and deal with where we are right now.”

This approach to history and her work on migration has also led Kehoe to the world of science diplomacy and advocacy. She has founded programs in Canada and Scotland to help researchers and artists displaced by war, conflict and threats of violence continue their work in their host countries. 

“It's about recognizing that it doesn't matter where you come from—as an academic researcher, you should have the freedom to continue with your work,” Kehoe says, noting the rise in displaced researchers in places like Ukraine, Syria and Turkey. 

“These researchers may come up with an invention that changes the world. But we need to make space for their integration and collaboration. I would rather be the person who opens doors than the one who guards them.”

Both through her research and advocacy work, Kehoe says it’s vital to take steps to preserve historical perspectives at risk of being overlooked or forgotten.

“The humanities matter,” she says. “They are so important in helping us to understand where we come from and where we need to go.” 

SMU Model UN group returns from New York with two awards

An alumni connection gave extra inspiration to this year’s award-winning Model United Nations team at Saint Mary’s University. The delegation of ten undergraduate students returned from New York City on April 7 with a Distinguished Delegation Award, the equivalent of silver. Third-year students Pyper Lane and Naza Yammine also won an Outstanding Position Paper award.

The team represented the small West Indies nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis at the annual UN simulation, attended by thousands of students from around the world. As part of their advance research in Dr. Marc Doucet’s Model UN course, the group had a very helpful Zoom meeting in January with the Honourable Isalean Phillip BA'16 MA'19.

The Honourable Isalean Phillip stands smiling next to a Saint Kitts and Nevis flag

The Honourable Isalean Phillip BA’16 MA’19

Back in 2015, Phillip was a member of SMU's Model UN team, which represented Ukraine that year. Last summer, she was sworn in as a Senator in the government of Saint Kitts and Nevis, where she is also the Minister of Social Development & Gender Affairs, Youth Empowerment, Ageing & Disabilities.  

“Her insights allowed us to truly come to understand the heart of a nation that was previously unfamiliar to many of us,” says Yammine, a Global Development Studies major. “Her presentation on the twin island federation’s history, political system and culture sparked ideas on how to approach research on our topic.”

The winning position paper was submitted in advance for the event’s General Assembly First Committee. It covered topics including Youth for Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Peace, and Addressing the Illicit Trafficking of Weapons to Non-State Actors.

A highlight of the week in New York was a virtual meeting with the UN Permanent Mission for Saint Kitts and Nevis, including its UN Ambassador Nerys Dockery. The island nation has a population of 53,000.  

“The meeting served to further our understanding of the country’s position in the international community, highlighting how its size is often a compelling point of departure in negotiations, which was certainly the case for us representing them at NMUN,” says Lane, a political science major going into the honours program next year.

The Saint Mary’s group included students from across Canada as well as India, Mexico and Ghana. Three political science majors were joined by a student in the environmental studies program and several from the Sobey School of Business.

“I’m really proud of what the students were able to do, and the awards are significant recognition for their hard work,” says Dr. Doucet, who aims to offer the course again next winter.

The inaugural East Coast Model UN event held at Saint Mary’s this year was another great way for the students to prepare. The pilot project drew more than 40 students from Saint Mary’s and other universities in the region, including Dalhousie, STFX and Acadia. But meeting with Senator Phillip was a huge advantage, adds Doucet.

“It was interesting for the students to connect with someone who had done an undergraduate degree here and is now in a government position. The question that’s often asked is, ‘What can you do with an Arts degree?’ Well there you go! This is what you can do!”

The experience encouraged Lane to apply for a NATO Field School hosted by Simon Fraser University, so she’ll be travelling to locations across Europe this summer.

“The preparation that we get through the Model UN course at SMU is the best of the best,” she says. “We all went in feeling prepared, confident and knowledgeable. We would not be nearly as successful if it weren’t for the support we receive from the SMU community, the Model UN course and our professor and faculty advisor Dr. Marc Doucet.”

Yammine agrees, adding she hopes to pursue a career in international law and potentially diplomacy.

“It was refreshing to apply my knowledge in a real-life setting, and to simulate how world leaders come to make certain decisions,” she says. “The Model UN course not only teaches you about resolution writing and the mandate of UN organs, but also how to excel in public speaking, negotiation and teamwork.”

Fulfilment through research: Bernice Perry’s journey at Saint Mary's University

Bernice Perry

In 2021, Bernice Perry applied for a summer research assistantship to learn more about a topic of keen interest to her—the history of Northern Canada. Working alongside SMU History professor Dr. Heather Green, Bernice researched the High Arctic relocations of the 1950s, a Government of Canada effort to establish sovereignty in the Far North through the relocation of Inuit families from northern Quebec to the region.

The outcome of her research is a story map detailing the 1953 relocation as part of a teaching module created by the Northern Borders Project. Bernice’s project focuses on the experience of Markoosie Patsauq, who survived the relocation at the age of twelve and went on to become a pilot, novelist and activist lobbying for government reparations.

For Bernice, this research opportunity reaffirmed her decision to pursue post-secondary education as a mature student at the age of 56.

Growing up in a rural community on the East Coast, pursuing academic research was not presented to Bernice as a realistic or sustainable option. Instead, she spent much of her adult life caring for her family, volunteering in her community and working at flexible, low-wage jobs around her husband’s unpredictable schedule as a truck driver. Through those years, she always knew she had more to offer, but lack of education and financial means limited her opportunities.

It wasn’t until she was an empty nester and had faced and beaten cancer—twice!—that she was able to explore what was next for her. Those experiences, she says, led her to question her purpose in life.

Bernice’s daughter, a Saint Mary’s graduate, inspired her to attend university. With trepidation about being a mature student, Bernice applied to Saint Mary’s, was accepted, and proudly entered the classroom in January 2020.

Spurred on by her love of learning, her passion for history and the thrill of research, Bernice works hard to balance the demands of a full course load. She proudly holds a 4.22 GPA, which she says is the result of “long days and late nights of studying.”

But it hasn’t been easy. Along with the rigorous demands of her studies in the Bachelor of Arts program, Bernice has keenly felt the financial challenges of being a full-time student.

“Scholarships and awards have played a crucial role in my academic achievements, reducing my financial stress and anxiety while navigating through my education,” she says.

This support has also given her greater freedom to focus on her research, and in turn, contribute to the awareness and understanding of the Indigenous experience in Northern Canada.

“The injustices and lack of knowledge of the High Arctic relocations have led me to broaden my research to unveil other Northern narratives lacking attention,” she says. “I have been educated beyond my imagination, conversing and sharing information with those who are willing to listen.”