Saint Mary's University President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray
The following is an excerpt from the May-June issue of Atlantic Business Magazine.
“Robert is an experienced academic administrator and post-secondary advocate. He is passionate about the value of research, teaching and the advancement of learning for everyone who wants to participate in higher education.”
LEARNING MOMENTS In Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray’s very well-educated opinion, there are no failures on the road to success, only a series of lessons waiting to be learned. Having had “many” of these learning moments in his career, he say the key is to “find the opportunity that can be hidden in these challenges.” One such challenge was the development of a strategic plan to articulate the university’s purpose and strengths. Started in 2015, the process took time, and a cultural shift within the institution, but the challenge was overcome. Summerby-Murray knew the process was working when people began articulating ideas in their own words, in ways that were consistent with the university’s broader themes.
ABT (ALWAYS BE TEACHING) As the president of Saint Mary’s University, Summerby-Murray’s daily task is to help create innovative minds and foster entrepreneurial mindsets across faculties. “We equip the next generation for the depth of knowledge and the breadth of understanding that will drive the future of the economy and society.”
SHARING IDEAS Saying that universities are essential venues for critical dialogue, Summerby-Murray is proud of how Saint Mary’s honours that role. “Movements such as Black Lives Matter and #MeToo help to heighten our understanding of social conscience and how we approach our teaching.” They also work to encourage immigration, noting that the connection between innovation and immigration is clear.