Campus Notes

SMU Model UN group returns from New York with two awards

An alumni connection gave extra inspiration to this year’s award-winning Model United Nations team at Saint Mary’s University. The delegation of ten undergraduate students returned from New York City on April 7 with a Distinguished Delegation Award, the equivalent of silver. Third-year students Pyper Lane and Naza Yammine also won an Outstanding Position Paper award.

The team represented the small West Indies nation of Saint Kitts and Nevis at the annual UN simulation, attended by thousands of students from around the world. As part of their advance research in Dr. Marc Doucet’s Model UN course, the group had a very helpful Zoom meeting in January with the Honourable Isalean Phillip BA'16 MA'19.

The Honourable Isalean Phillip stands smiling next to a Saint Kitts and Nevis flag

The Honourable Isalean Phillip BA’16 MA’19

Back in 2015, Phillip was a member of SMU's Model UN team, which represented Ukraine that year. Last summer, she was sworn in as a Senator in the government of Saint Kitts and Nevis, where she is also the Minister of Social Development & Gender Affairs, Youth Empowerment, Ageing & Disabilities.  

“Her insights allowed us to truly come to understand the heart of a nation that was previously unfamiliar to many of us,” says Yammine, a Global Development Studies major. “Her presentation on the twin island federation’s history, political system and culture sparked ideas on how to approach research on our topic.”

The winning position paper was submitted in advance for the event’s General Assembly First Committee. It covered topics including Youth for Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Peace, and Addressing the Illicit Trafficking of Weapons to Non-State Actors.

A highlight of the week in New York was a virtual meeting with the UN Permanent Mission for Saint Kitts and Nevis, including its UN Ambassador Nerys Dockery. The island nation has a population of 53,000.  

“The meeting served to further our understanding of the country’s position in the international community, highlighting how its size is often a compelling point of departure in negotiations, which was certainly the case for us representing them at NMUN,” says Lane, a political science major going into the honours program next year.

The Saint Mary’s group included students from across Canada as well as India, Mexico and Ghana. Three political science majors were joined by a student in the environmental studies program and several from the Sobey School of Business.

“I’m really proud of what the students were able to do, and the awards are significant recognition for their hard work,” says Dr. Doucet, who aims to offer the course again next winter.

The inaugural East Coast Model UN event held at Saint Mary’s this year was another great way for the students to prepare. The pilot project drew more than 40 students from Saint Mary’s and other universities in the region, including Dalhousie, STFX and Acadia. But meeting with Senator Phillip was a huge advantage, adds Doucet.

“It was interesting for the students to connect with someone who had done an undergraduate degree here and is now in a government position. The question that’s often asked is, ‘What can you do with an Arts degree?’ Well there you go! This is what you can do!”

The experience encouraged Lane to apply for a NATO Field School hosted by Simon Fraser University, so she’ll be travelling to locations across Europe this summer.

“The preparation that we get through the Model UN course at SMU is the best of the best,” she says. “We all went in feeling prepared, confident and knowledgeable. We would not be nearly as successful if it weren’t for the support we receive from the SMU community, the Model UN course and our professor and faculty advisor Dr. Marc Doucet.”

Yammine agrees, adding she hopes to pursue a career in international law and potentially diplomacy.

“It was refreshing to apply my knowledge in a real-life setting, and to simulate how world leaders come to make certain decisions,” she says. “The Model UN course not only teaches you about resolution writing and the mandate of UN organs, but also how to excel in public speaking, negotiation and teamwork.”

Take note: Unsolicited email from dietitian

The People and Culture team is advising faculty and staff to ignore a recent unsolicited email from a Halifax-based dietitian offering his services.

In the past few days, several employees have received an email and a PDF attachment from Mark Manderville, RD. The information provided does not accurately reflect current benefits coverage at Saint Mary’s, nor is the outreach endorsed by the university, despite appearances. 

“Any such promotion endorsed by People and Culture will be communicated by us or the university,” says Mark Moffett, AVP of People and Culture. “If anyone has questions about our benefits, I encourage them to contact Sheree Delaney, HR Officer, Pensions and Benefits), who can give them accurate details.” Sheree can be reached at

Student Leadership Conference nurtures community leaders of tomorrow

In its first real return since before the global pandemic, the annual Student Leadership Conference (SLC) boasted a jam-packed day featuring inspiring speakers, motivational break-out sessions and a student leader panel. The theme, “Stepping up to Leadership” put an emphasis on new perspectives and understandings of what being a leader means, focusing on how the global pandemic evolved the construct of student leadership.

“We’ve seen a notable shift of student mentality within institutions all over,” describes Emma Rota, Student Transitions Specialist and conference organizer. “From how we show up for each other to how we speak up and take action, students are demonstrating a revived passion and interest in taking on more ownership in their leadership journey.”

More than 85 students attended the 2023 Leadership Conference, with a broad range of new and long-time SMU community student leaders. “Education goes beyond the classroom,” says Tom Brophy, Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs and Services. “The qualities, values and skills invested in students during their formative years, in particular, the development of leadership traits, are fundamental in empowering students and improving the broader community.”

The conference aims to develop and hone important leadership skills and strategies including self-care and wellness, communication skills, career sessions, time management, organization and social responsibility.  The day was topped with a special keynote speech from powerhouse alumna, Keisha Turner BA’12.

Turner’s keynote, entitled “Leading Beyond the Status Quo”, highlighted her journey as a Black, first-generation, student athlete and explored her time as a Saint Mary’s student and SMU Husky. Her advice to students was to “approach leadership by embracing lived experience to create meaningful and innovative change.”

The SLC has something for everyone, from those not yet involved and those just starting to explore leadership to seasoned leaders preparing to transition out of school. “The skills learned here will carry you beyond Saint Mary’s,” says Amy McEvoy, Student Success Centre manager and conference organizer. “What students are exploring and learning about here has a lasting impact. They are developing skills they will carry into their careers, their communities and even their relationships. They are positioning themselves for success in their endeavours.”

At Saint Mary’s, the student leadership opportunities are almost endless, and the conference creates an opportunity for leaders across campus to come together, share experiences, learn best practices and build their network.

“Student leadership is important to me because it encourages me to take initiative, which is extremely important for my future,” explains 2nd year political science student, Francesca Southwell. “I had a chance to listen and learn from those who uplifted themselves after encountering adversity. I learned if you want to see change, you must be it in your own life and community. This conference helped give me confidence and courage to do that.”

Fourth year environmental studies student, Sally Oppong, says that she gets excited for the Student Leadership Conference every year. “Being an international student, it was hard when I first started at Saint Mary’s, but student leaders like my RA and Pack Leaders helped me through it,” she explains. “I became a student leader so that I could be that person for other new students, and this conference helps me continue to grow and build my leadership skills.”

For more information on the Student Leadership Conference, and ways to get involved as a student leader at SMU, visit the Student Success Centre.

First-ever Santamarian Professors and Chairs announced

Saint Mary’s University is pleased to announce the inaugural Santamarian Professors and Chairs.

In March 2022, VPAR Dr. Malcolm Butler announced the creation of these programs to recognize, highlight, and support the research of our professors. 

The Santamarian Professorships recognize distinguished early-to-mid career scholars, and the Santamarian Chairs recognize excellence of more established researchers. These programs allow for the appointment of one Santamarian Chair and one Santamarian Professor within each of our three Faculties (Arts, Science, and Business). 

The University Research Professor program was designed to recognize scholars who have achieved national and international prominence in their research, over and above the excellence expected of and demonstrated by the professoriate. This program is specifically directed to support our professors who have achieved a specific national or international recognition for research excellence within the two years prior to nomination; for example, the completion of a Canada Research Chair, appointment as a Fellow to the Royal Society of Canada or other recognitions of a similar nature.

Nominations to these programs were submitted by many worthy members of our faculty by the end of last April. A thorough selection process ensued with multiple levels of consideration and review. Work is underway to create a web-presence to spotlight all of the Chairs and Professors, together with Canada Research Chairs at Saint Mary’s and our other named Professors and Chairs.

Congratulations to these amazing members of our faculty community!

Santamarian Professors:
Dr. John Fiset (Management)
Dr. Danielle Tokarz (Chemistry) 
Dr. Michelle MacCarthy (Anthropology)

Santamarian Chairs:
Dr. Tony Charles (Finance, Information Systems and Management Science / Environmental Science)
Dr. Maryanne Fisher (Psychology) 
Dr. Margaret MacDonald (Study of Religion) 

University Research Professors:
Dr. Kevin Kelloway (Psychology)
Dr. Gavin Fridell (Global Development Studies)
Dr. Danika van Proosdij (Geography and Environmental Studies)
Dr. Marcin Sawicki (Astronomy & Physics) Appointment begins Fall 2024

Student Success Week: March 27-31

Student Success Week schedule

The Student Success Centre (SSC) at Saint Mary’s University is excited to announce the first annual Student Success Week!

From March 27-31, 2023, the Student Success Centre will host a variety of engaging, informative and fun events to introduce students to the team and the vast array of resources available to help set students up for success throughout their time at Saint Mary’s and beyond.

“The Student Success Centre reflects the university’s commitment to excellence in student support,” says Amy McEvoy, Manager, SSC. “Our goal for the Centre is to become a hub for students to connect, get involved, learn new skills and strategies and make the most of their university experience.”

Join the SSC for a meet and greet Monday morning, visit the info booths in the Student Centre lobby from Tuesday through Thursday, check out the workshops to help prepare for the end of term and sing your exam stresses away at the Karaoke and Games Night!

“As a graduating Peer Success Coach, I am so excited for Student Success Week,” says Maria Donovan, soon-to-be BComm’23. “There are so many resources under the Student Success Centre that I wish I knew about back in my first years at Saint Mary’s. The week’s events have everything from informative sessions to help you prepare for the end of term, to opportunities for just plain fun!”   

Check out the full Student Success Week schedule here and find more information on the Student Success Events Calendar. Follow @SMU_StudentLife channels for daily updates.

Announcing the launch of the newly designed Sexual Violence Support Centre website

Saint Mary’s University is proud to launch a new website for the Sexual Violence Support Centre under Student Affairs and Services (SAAS).

The Sexual Violence Advisor, in conjunction with members of SAAS and the Saint Mary’s web team, have been working over the past year to develop a new website that enhances the user experience, aligns with more intuitive web navigation and better showcases the supports, education and initiatives within the centre.

“With the full overhaul of the SVSC website, the content structure is more intuitive making it easy to quickly navigate to supports or resources,” says Dee Dooley, Sexual Violence Advisor. “This helps ensure the SMU community has access to comprehensive, accessible and survivor-centric information and supports.”

The refreshed website derived from a need to present written and visual content that was trauma-informed and survivor-centric. Vector graphics replaced stock photography to reduce potential visual triggers for survivors, content was modernized to reflect evolved understandings of sexual and gender-based violence and harassment, and pages were audited to ensure accessibility and ease of use.

“This renewed website is a tremendous upgrade to the experience of people using the site,” says Tom Brophy, Associate Vice-President, SAAS. “We want survivors to know that we are here for them, and we want to make it as easy as possible for them to access supports. The refreshed content also makes it easier for members of the SMU community to get informed, educated and involved in initiatives.”

The new website comes on the heels of the revised Sexual Violence and Harassment policy that was announced at the end of January. “Our understanding of sexual and gender-based violence have evolved significantly over the past several years,” says Mark Moffett, Associate Vice-President, People and Culture. “It is important that we continue to adapt our efforts to reflect this new insight in order to better respond to the needs of our Saint Mary’s community.”

New Website Highlights

1.     Enhanced user experience: removing stock photography in favour of vector graphics means reducing the risk of potential content triggers for a survivor. The vectors quickly and accurately depict sub pages for an easier web journey.

2.     Updated navigation: the SVSC landing page creates an intuitive interaction opportunity with audience sub-page architecture to help each user find the information they need more intuitively and efficiently.

3.     New Ways to Explore: users can now explore supports, resources, forms, policies, initiatives, programs and education through the vector card landing page and the simplified mega menu navigation bar.

“This was a huge labour of love for me,” says Dooley, who has been working on the web updates since last July. “This website is a digital doorway to the vast array of offerings we have, so these updates are an important step towards ensuring our campus is a safe and respectful culture for students, staff and faculty.”

Research Expo 2023

Each year in March, talented Saint Mary’s researchers in the faculties of Science, Arts and the Sobey School of Business gather to share their academic achievements and projects. The Research Expo showcases work from students, faculty members and researchers.  

The event is hosted by the Office of Innovation and Community Engagement (OICE), which facilitates research relationships between faculty members, government departments and the SMU Community. The OICE supports joint research initiatives, assists faculty in research contract development, intellectual property protection and private sector sponsorship The Office works to establish collaborations between researchers and external partners and license technologies to industry. 

Events like Research Expo are key to building partnerships across university departments and with external organizations. presenters at the 2023 Research Expo included: 

Dr. Steven Smith, Psychology 
Dr. Diane Crocker, Criminology 
Dr. Joniada Milla, Economics 
Dr. Yasushi Akiyama, Mathematics and Computer Science 
Dr. Karly Kehoe, History 
Dr. Danielle Tokarz, Chemistry 
Dr. Erin Adlakha, Geology 

To learn more about the research at Saint Mary’s University, click here.  

Notice: Inventory & Distribution closure

Please be advised that Inventory & Distribution (I&D) will be closed for the year end inventory count on March 29, 30 & 31, 2023.

Please ensure that all I&D requisitions for stocked supplies (e.g. copy paper, etc.) are submitted to I&D no later than 12 p.m. on Friday, March 17, 2023.

If requisitions are received after 12 p.m. on March 17, 2023, orders will be filled after March 31, 2023. 

Departments are encouraged to submit requisitions for supplies prior to this date. 

  • I&D staff will continue to receive incoming shipments on March 29, 30 & 31, 2023.

  • All receiving documents for incoming goods will be noted with the proper date and time of receipt, for the purposes of year end activity.

  • I&D staff many not be able to forward the received goods to the end user until after the count is complete.

Any questions should be directed to Pat Josey, Inventory & Distribution Representative, at 902-420-5467.

We appreciate your patience at this time. 

The annual International Night returns in epic fashion

The 27th Annual International Night was certainly one for the books! Students, faculty and staff were thrilled to see the event return in person, following a three-year hiatus due to the global pandemic.

The event concept, originating from a group of international students, was designed to bring enhanced international representation to campus, giving international students an opportunity to showcase their culture and cuisine. What started as a potluck gathering in the International Centre back in 1996/7 has now evolved into an impressive cultural production that has become a highlight of the winter term.

“The significance of the event is huge for our international students,” says Tom Brophy, Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs and Services. “Many of our international students are unable to travel back to their home countries during Winter Break, so this event gives them an opportunity to come together, celebrate their culture and feel a bit closer to home.”

Within just a few years, the International Night grew into a highly anticipated, gala-style event, incorporating international cuisine and cultural performances, organized annually by the International Student Centre alongside the Students Acting for Global Awareness (SAGA) volunteers.

This year’s International Night kicked off with a flag ceremony, with students proudly carrying their home country flags through the audience onto the stage. The event boasted speeches from notable personalities at Saint Mary’s including President Rob Summerby-Murray, Student Affairs and Services AVP Tom Brophy and SMUSA President Isobel Tyler before moving into a buffet dinner filled with an array of internationally inspired selections.

“This event is of paramount importance to our international students and to our SMU Community at large,” says President Summerby-Murray. “We are a dynamic campus with a large international student population, and this event is an important component in reinforcing a sense of belonging and recognition at Saint Mary’s.”

Following dinner came an exceptional experience of cultural celebration featuring eleven different performers/groups representing their countries through song and dance:

  • SAGA – Flags Presentation

  • Nepalese Dance – Traditional Nepalese Dance

  • NS Chinese Culture & Arts Club – Erhu Performance

  • Glimpse of Nepal – Nepalese Folk Dance

  • Team Bangladesh – Pop Music Acoustic Performance

  • Imani Tribe – African Christina Acapella/Acoustic Performance

  • NS Chinese Culture & Arts Club – Paper Fan Scholars Dance

  • Aasha – Classical & Modern Bollywood Dance

  • Team Bangladesh – Cultural Heritage Dance

  • Shiray Tan – The Parent Song

  • The Spice Girls – A mix of traditional dances

Prior to the event’s conclusion, Ysaac Rodriguez, Manager of the International Centre, spoke about the importance of the event and the work coming out of the International Student Centre. “When you’re living away from home,” says Rodriguez, “having an opportunity to wear and showcase your cultural/traditional clothes, or to perform something representing your culture is such a meaningful experience and gives the students enormous pride.”

The International Student Centre and SAGA wish to thank the emcees, speakers and performers for their contributions to an incredible evening. International Night was made possible by sponsorship from: The President’s Office; Student Affairs and Services; the SMU Bookstore; Aramark; SMUSA; Loong 7 Chinese Restaurant; and Zuya Production.

New! Branded templates for the SMU community

You asked, we listened! 

In response to community feedback, the External Affairs team has launched a new suite of branded templates across a variety of applications to make life a little easier for the SMU community. 

Since the official debut of the refreshed brand in June 2021, we’ve been collecting feedback from faculty and staff about what works, what doesn’t, and what was on their ‘wish list’ when it came to helpful templates. 

The new updates and additions to the Templates and Guidance web page reflect this feedback, and will help us all to communicate professionally and consistently while effectively leveraging our memorable SMU branding. 

From short and long-format professional reports in Microsoft Word, to email invitations and new, expanded PowerPoint presentation templates to printed posters and digital promotion graphics that can be created in Microsoft PowerPoint or Canva, the new templates address some of the most common requests we heard from the community.  

In addition to the templates, you’ll find more tips and guidance, including a Best Practices Tip Sheet for Working with MS Office Templates,  and even tips within the “Notes” in the PowerPoint templates.  

We want your feedback! 

Is there something missing, or something we can improve? Your input is what helps us create the most useful tools. Please send your thoughts to  

$25 million landmark investment in Saint Mary’s University

Loyola Conference Hall was overflowing with excitement on March 8 with students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends celebrating the news of a $25 million investment in the university.  

Announced by the Honorable Brian Wong, Minister of Advanced Education, Saint Mary's University is the recipient of a $25 million investment from the Province of Nova Scotia to expand its programs, research and capacity in healthcare data analytics, management, and leadership, with a focus on creating solutions to improve the province’s healthcare system.   

"I want to thank Premier Tim Houston, Minister Wong, and the provincial government for putting their faith in Saint Mary's University and our ability to improve the health and well-being of Nova Scotians through our excellence in data analytics, health research and professional development expertise," says Alan R. Abraham, Jr. BComm'80, Chair of the Saint Mary's University Board of Governors.  

The $25 million investment marks the most significant single government investment in the history of Saint Mary's University. 

"Thank you to all the faculty, students, and staff who joined us on Wednesday for this landmark announcement," says Erin Sargeant Greenwood, Vice-President of Advancement and External Affairs. "Your support and excitement made this event a resounding success."  

This investment will support the university’s capacity to expand and grow and will include, but not be limited to:   

  • expanding health data analytics programming and research at Saint Mary's. This will support hiring additional faculty members and researchers and creating the right spaces to support growth in our student population and research activity. This includes investments in technology to support teaching, learning and research; 

  • developing management and leadership programming for healthcare professionals. This programming would target healthcare administrators, family doctors, and office directors. Delivery could take several forms, including micro-credentials, diplomas, certificates, and executive professional development; and 

  • expanding the articulation agreements with the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC). This will create and promote new pathways between the healthcare programs at NSCC and undergraduate degree programs at Saint Mary’s University.  

“Community is at the heart of all that we do at Saint Mary’s University,” says Saint Mary’s University President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Robert Summerby-Murray. “Expanding our focus to support a vital component of any great community, its health and well-being is an excellent part of the solution to improving healthcare in Nova Scotia.”   

This tremendous investment recognizes Saint Mary’s strength in interdisciplinary collaboration and engagement with community. Saint Mary’s students have world-class opportunities while benefiting from exceptional student-faculty relationships. Here, ideas and possibilities from diverse and varying perspectives are nurtured and explored. New pathways, breakthroughs and careers emerge.  

Watch for more news and ways to get involved in maximizing the impact of this opportunity for Saint Mary’s, for our students and faculty and for all Nova Scotians. 

Watch clips from the announcement on March 8, 2023

Saint Mary’s becomes a Fair Trade Campus

Ever wonder where your hot cup of coffee comes from? At Saint Mary’s University, you can be sure your coffee is Fair Trade certified and farmers have received fair compensation for their product. In today’s globalized world, our purchases can significantly impact people around the globe and the environment. Saint Mary’s faculty, staff and students are dedicated to making a difference, and as a result of their efforts, all on-campus purchases are now Fair Trade certified.  

Fair Trade is an alternative approach to business based on partnerships between producers and consumers. Farmers receive a minimum price, improved terms, and a social premium that helps improve their lives and enables them to plan for their future. SMU professor and Canada Research Chair in International Development Studies, Gavin Fridell, is a noted expert on Fair Trade and recently published The Fair Trade Handbook: Building a Better World, Together.

"Saint Mary's University has long demonstrated academic leadership around issues of the global trade system and the role of Fair Trade in addressing injustices, we are pleased to welcome you as the 45th Fair Trade Campus of Canada. Saint Mary's students, faculty and staff continue to lead the way in taking initiatives that directly benefit farmers and producers in the Global South and build environmental resilience in their communities. Congratulations!"  says Loïc de Fabritus Gautier, Senior Manager of Advocacy & Citizen Engagement at Fair Trade Canada. 

Saint Mary’s meets a variety of requirements for the national program, including: 

  • Ensuring all applicable food service locations on Saint Mary’s campus offer Fair Trade certified coffee, tea, and chocolate options as required by Fair Trade Canada standards. 

  • Ensuring one Fair Trade chocolate option is available at all applicable snack vending machines on campus. 

  • Establishing and maintaining a Fair Trade Committee for our campus (the Sustainability Sub-Committee on Fair Trade) that meets regularly to monitor and further Fair Trade at Saint Mary’s. 

SMU Dining hosted events and giveaways in early March to celebrate Saint Mary's campus certification. 

You can learn more at  Fair Trade Canada.